BronxBitcoinBulls. XrpBronXBulls

This page is about Crypto currency, Digital investments, Meme coins and the impact this technological innovation had on me. (And some friends and family that I “orange pilled” in Bitcoin terms.)

Also the importance I believe it will play in shaping the innovations of the future. Functional and Financial. Within our Physical world and the digital world. The MetaVerse. No, not Facebook. And again this is my TRUTH. #sitdowntalkingtruth You do you.

I had always made good financial choices with future interests in mind. So when someone mentioned Doge Coin and Elon Musk, my next passion was started. Because this was not just a hobby but had a financial impact on my family future I was always researching and looking for answers to increase my knowledge. This gave me a focus that I had not had since being in school. Aside from the potential of monetary benefits it increased my learning curve to higher levels. Grateful to Bitcoin and Crypto for more than Money. And to show my gratitude, a Bitcoin B tattoo on my stomach.
(The XRP X is next to drop)

So as my story always goes, I needed a group, a Crew. With some close friends and family that took my “orange pill” so I created the BronxBitcoinBulls.
And second but not any less the XrpBronXBulls. Not financial advice but I’m invested in crypto and Bitcoin #bronxbitcoinbulls and XRP. Among a few others. I’ve done research on many different angles and views.

For full disclosure my Doge coin position is gone. Sold for profits. Not as much as first predicted but because of the research I’ve done in my opinion my investable money has found better positions. I could talk my TRUTH about crypto and Bitcoin and some other Real, not Meme crypto that have functionality and UTILITY that solve real world financial problems #xrpbronxbulls but I’ll cut it short.

As the saying goes, Follow the Money.

So as far as this page goes I invite anyone to contact me or comment on my #sitdowntalkingtruth with questions about what I’ve done with my digital investments.

What’s been Bullish and Bearish.

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1 reply
  1. Billy
    Billy says:

    Looking good jimmy. Let me see if I can get you some traction–no promises. I’m not Frankie, but I have like minded friends:)


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